The NHAS Annual meeting will be held on November 2nd at: Manchester Community College,
1066 Front Street, Manchester, NH. Registration will open at 9:00 AM. The program will start at
10:00 AM and end approximately 3:00 PM
Additional information - This document will be expanded and updated. as details come available.
Speakers will include:
William Griswold, Ph.D., retired National Park Service (NPS) archeologist. Owner of Hadley Woods Archaeological Services, LLC in Nashua, NH.. Reconstructing the Beginning of the second Revolutionary War battle of Saratoga
Mark Doperalski, NH State Archaeologist, TBA
Kimberly Kulesza, Behavioral & Social Science Program Coordinator, Manchester Community College, Navigating Sacred Spaces: Cosmoeconomics and Religious Hybridization in Viking and Early Medieval Gotland
Bruce Bradley PhD., Principal Investigator, Wallace Ruin Project, Museum of Primitive Technology.Cortez, Colorado, Recent Developments at the Wallace Ruins Site